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Release Week Wrap-Up

As the release week for “Heal Me” comes to a close, I cannot properly express how overwhelming this week has been for me. When I crafted this story back in 2017, it was not the first gay romance book I’d written, but something about these characters and their story spoke to me in a way no others ever have. I adore my two characters so much they’ve started to feel like family.

After I wrote the book, I knew it needed work, as all books do. This time – mostly because of the genre – I was fastidious about getting the story “right”. So I re-worked it, making small changes here and there, making big changes in other places. I did this over and OVER and OVER again, until I finally sent the book off to my editor/cousin about a year ago. She returned her edits, suggestions, and questions and I once more went to work revamping the book. After a few more months of toiling away at my manuscript, I FINALLY had the completed book.

I sat on it for a LONG time, trying to a) determine whether or not I was brave enough to share my sweet guys with everyone, and b) whether or not I had the strength and determination to publish another book. Initially, it was slated to come out in early 2022, but as each month passed I still could not commit to a release date. I can’t explain what held me back, but by the time I finally received the formatted copy of the book in all formats, I knew exactly when I had to release it: June 7, my daughter’s birthday. It seemed important to honor her in that way since the entire idea of this book was hers. I’m so glad I waited & released it when I did, as this happens to be Pride month too. It’s my small way of honoring all the LGBTQ+ folks and letting them know I will always be an ally.

There is nothing easy about publishing, whether you go the traditional route or self-publish, as I have. While an author who self-publishes their work does maintain full creative control over everything, all the work – including many hours of marketing – is done alone. Writing, for me at least, is a hobby. Publishing, on the other hand, is a full-time job. That said, I’m so grateful that with much encouragement from my family and friends, I decided to take the chance and release this book.

I’ve received so many wonderful reviews and I’m grateful for each and every reader who took the time to post a review, reach out directly to say how much they loved the book, followed me on social media, or simply took time out of a busy day to read my book.

There are two other books in the “Healed” series that I plan to publish in the future. Book 2 – “See Me” – is the turbulent story of Gunner and Jack. Book 3 – “Revive Me” – is the dark and painful journey of Grady and Drake. All 4 of these characters were introduced in “Heal Me”. I also have a few other standalone books that I plan to release at some point, but for now I’m going to soak up the joy from the release week of “Heal Me” and think about all that in a few months.

Thanks again to my family and friends for the support and love and encouragement you give to me. I couldn’t do this without all of you!

Much love,


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